Elias Sanbar

Writer and essayist

Elias Sanbar is a writer and essayist. An eminent figure in Arab and Francophone culture, he has been committed for over forty years to promoting a better understanding of Palestine. He was founder and later chief editor of “Revue d’étude palestinienne”. Serving as the Ambassador of Palestine to UNESCO since 2006, he has played significant political and diplomatic roles, including being a member of the Palestinian National Council, a peace negotiator in Madrid and Washington in the 1990s, and a member of the Palestinian parliament in exile.

Elias Sanbar is also recognised for his literary contributions, particularly his French translations of the works of poet Mahmoud Darwich.

Through his projects, whether as the general commissioner of the Museum in Exile or collaborating with artist Ernest Pignon Ernest for the future Palestinian Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Elias Sanbar strives to reveal to the world the diverse identity and cultural richness of Palestine, transcending the confines of an idealized past or a persistent conflict.